Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris tempus commodo urna ac iaculis. Sed euismod laoreet leo. Vestibulum consectetur laoreet purus a sodales. Praesent turpis neque, interdum vel lorem at, tempus porttitor lacus. Nullam a pulvinar nibh, quis gravida nisl. Cras vitae hendrerit risus. Nunc vehicula odio tortor, ut vestibulum sapien mattis a. Maecenas tincidunt in nisi eleifend congue. Nulla pharetra turpis ullamcorper, euismod libero id, condimentum velit. Pellentesque vitae eros feugiat, tincidunt nisl nec, interdum neque. Mauris nisi magna, sodales vitae augue a, tincidunt posuere massa. Fusce ut semper dui, in vehicula magna. Aenean tempor, nibh eu volutpat posuere, tortor purus commodo sapien, nec semper eros risus sed enim. Curabitur adipiscing justo augue, in rhoncus mauris imperdiet a. Duis urna mi, dignissim et ante ac, mollis volutpat elit. Sed vulputate, leo ut ultrices pharetra, leo lacus semper nunc, vel porttitor arcu velit id ante. Aenean et lectus erat. Maecenas porttitor elementum sapien, ut bibendum nibh cursus id. Cras a diam vitae ligula dapibus faucibus. Morbi condimentum tortor in eros scelerisque, sit amet commodo ipsum euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aliquam placerat purus in pellentesque pulvinar. Aliquam tincidunt venenatis massa vitae hendrerit.
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Children of any religion who have true faith must realize that God is the only One who knows all of everything. Therefore, only God can judge whether a person has faith, certitude, and determination or not and whether a person lives with that purity that can be called Islam or not. No one else can give that judgment. Do not wave your religion like a banner and go out to capture others. Only one kind of war is permissible in the eyes of God: the war you wage within yourself to defeat the demonic forces of lust, anger, jealousy, desire for revenge, and other evil feelings and attributes that may exist within your heart. God has sent each of the prophets as witnesses to the grace of God and as supports to help us in this inner war. This is the reason for the Qur’an. It is to help the true Muslim fight this inner battle and win victory over his own base desires that God sent the Messenger with the Qur’an.
M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
The True Meaning of Islam -
Before we try to destroy someone else, we should first pass judgment on ourselves. Before finding fault with others, we must first pass judgment upon ourselves. Before we backbite others, we must first pass judgment upon our selves. Before we lie about others, we must first judge ourselves. Before we hurt the heart of another, we must first pass judgment on ourselves. Like that, we have to pass judgment on our thoughts and on all actions done by our eyes, ears, nose, hands, and mouth. The guilty ones are within our own body and mind. These are our qualities which exist in our actions. All these qualities exist within us, do they not? So we have to pass judgment on them. That is the state of Iman-Islam. That is what is called Islam. To first see the fault in yourself and then to pass judgment and correct yourself is true justice. Those who perform that justice are in the religion of truth. They are the leaders of the religion of truth. They are in the state of Iman-Islam. They are the true believers.
Benefit to All
M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen -
My beloved children, who are the pupils of my eye—Truth is silent. If Truth has dawned within you, then there will be no further speech. It is silence, and silence is the greatest Truth, the best question. If there is no Truth, then there will be a lot of talk and questions. One is good and the other is bad. If there is good within you, there will be no further noise within. But if you are full of bad, there will be so much of talk, speeches and questions. Therefore, seek the good. God does not make a noise. If you need anything, then you will have only to knock, and if you are tuned to that point, with the sound of that knock you will get an answer immediately. No noise, you don’t have to make a sound. This is the Truth.
M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
God, His Prophets, and His Children -
The real fast is the blossoming of the inner heart. Fragrance must emanate. The qualities, conduct, behavior, and disposition that accompany this blossoming make no sound. Light and fragrance must dawn in the inner heart. The one point which is God must resplend. Do fast, but make sure the heart blossoms; make it fragrant. The flowering scent must emanate, and when that space is perceived, the One who inhales that perfume will come. The One who perceives that fragrance will come. He is the Lord.
M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
The Fast of Ramadan: The Inner Heart Blossoms -
What has to die will die, and what has to remain will remain. Supposing you dig a well and the water dries up. Just because the well went dry, you cannot say that there is no water there. You cannot say that the spring is dead, for if you dig down one more foot, water will again spring up. If people will only dig a little deeper, they will find the water there. Of course, they can say, “There is no water in the well any more,” and go away. But those who have real thirst will dig a little deeper, and they will find water there. What is will always be. That which dies is dead and gone, but that which is will always be.
M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
Questions of Life - Answers of Wisdom Vol.1 -
God bestows His Compassion upon all beings, always, and His Love and His Way is to bring lives together by pressing them together. God possesses a Love which spreads and intermingles with all lives. In the same way, among human beings there is also such a true Love, such a true, real feeling. When that Love is operating, when it is working, then it is God’s work to take it and put it in its appropriate place. That is the Form of Love. That Love, that Divine Love, has brought us together as one.
M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
Truth & Light: Brief Explanations -
My children, Allah’s greetings of peace and supplications, His salams and salawats, resonate there in that water of divine knowledge. There you will find His representatives, His prophets, His olis, qutbs, auliya’ and all those who know Him. Every second, every minute, they are praying and resonating with that beauty of Allah. Whoever falls into this water of divine knowledge will keep changing, until the taste of Allah is within him and he becomes the beauty of Allah.
M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
A Mystical Journey -
O man, no matter what you have studied or how much you have studied, do not follow the ways of your mind with conceit in your learning. Ask a man of wisdom who is on the path and follow his directions. If you do not meet a man of wisdom, lay your heart open and ask even a tree or a wall. The power of God within your heart called conscience will caution you and guide you. It will say, “Go,” or “Don’t go,” “Right,” or “Wrong.” If your heart is open, your conscience will provide useful fruit which will benefit your journey through life.
M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
The Golden Words of a Sufi Sheikh -
There is a Power, a Power that controls the moon, the stars and the sun. It is a Power that can burn all other powers. It is the Power that pervades each atom, all that is finite, all that is infinite, a Power that no one can see…It has no assistance. It is completely alone. Original.
M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
The Point Where God and Man Meet -
Each of us who came here with wisdom must learn from this school. Heaven does not come from building beautiful churches, mosques, and temples. Man must build his church, mosque, and temple within himself. The house of God must be built within. The place of worship must be seen within. The completeness of God must be built within the self. If man can understand his story and the story of God and then build a church within himself, that is victory.
M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
The Wisdom of Man -
Live with that faith that your body and your soul do not belong to you. Then God will share the suffering that comes to you. Place your trust in God all the time; in every moment say, “O God, this is Your property, Your duty.” One who was born as a man and has lived as a man will exist in this state. For whatever happens he will say with contentment and gratitude, “All praise belongs to God, al-hamdu lillah.” For what might come in the next moment, he will say, “It is Your responsibility, O Allah, tawakkul-‘alallah,” and praise Him.
M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
The Golden Words of a Sufi Sheikh -
If you try, everything you strive for will come close to you, and you will reap the benefit. May God give you that help, that grace, that wisdom, and His qualities. May He do what is good. If you believe in Him, He will never let go of you. If you intend Him, He will come looking for you. If you call Him, He will call you. If you love Him, He will love you. If you search for Him, He will search for you. Know this. Amin. Amin.
M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
My Love You, My Children: 101 Stories for Children of All Ages -
Peace, unity, and equality…when we are in one place, when we live in one place, eat in one place, sleep in one place, disappear in one place, die in one place, when our final judgment is given in one place, and when we finally join together in heaven in one place, that is unity. Even when we go to that (final) place, we all live together in freedom as one family, one group. In this world and in the next world we live together in freedom, as one family of peace. This is Islam. If we find this way of peace, this is Islam.
M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
God’s Psychology: A Sufi Explanation -
Prophet Muhammad, the Rasulullah (Sal.), placed the Qur’an in the hands of his followers and said, “In order to understand this, go even unto China to learn divine knowledge (‘ilm).” Within one word in the Qur’an, there are thousands of meanings. Don’t hold onto to just one meaning. Look within and there will be another meaning. Within that is another meaning, and within that is still another. As you uncover meaning after meaning, you will see Allah at the very end. When you go beyond all the messengers (rasuls) and look within, you will find Allah. The angels are also there. Go beyond them and look, go beyond everything and look, and then you will see heaven. Go beyond heaven, and Allah is there. Do not pray for heaven. Go beyond and look. Allah will be there.
M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
To Die Before Death: The Sufi Way of Life -
We must give peace to our brothers and sisters in each circumstance, no matter what path they go on. We must give them peace, so that difficulty does not come to them. Whether they go there, here, here or anywhere, we must only give them peace. Love must be our only form. Love is our path towards our brothers and sisters. Compassion must be our point of unity. This is our union. This is union with God. Our union is compassionate union on the path to God. We have come through the ages together; that is union.
M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
Suratur-Rahmah: The Form of Compassion
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