Song: All Lives, Come Here and Let Us Live in Unity
CD of the Month Vol. 1
Recorded Date: 1/31/1980
Length: 6 min. 31 sec.
File Size: 9.8 MB
Format: MP3 Audio
Song: All Lives, Come Here and Let Us Live in Unity
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- Bawa Muhaiyaddeen(Ral.)
- SufismSufi: A Brief Explanation Excerpts from this discourse by Bawa Muhaiyaddeen were printed in issue #3 of the New Age Journal. “Sufi” is a unique word. “Sufi” is a unique Power. It does not relate to any particular religion. It belongs to all of humanity. “Sufi” is a clear, pure Essence that has filtered and settled slowly, deep within. It goes beyond the state of mounam (silence), even beyond the station of themouna guru (the silent guru within us). It is that State of Stillness when the Resplendence of the Pure Clarity of Wisdom has sunk down and settled completely within its ultimate Completeness and Perfection. “Sufi” reveals the nature of the final state of the receding of that Perfection, when it has settled down slowly to its ultimate Stillness. It is not something that belongs to any one religion. It is the Essence which has been filtered out from all four religions by Wisdom. It is the Essence which has analyzed and sifted right from wrong, extracted the clear Filtrate that is the Truth, and out of that Truth distilled the Power that resides within all created lives-the Power that is God. It has ascertained and extracted the qualities, the…
- Islam
- GodWho is God? An explanation by the Contemporary Sufi M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen given on September 11, 1973, in Philadelphia, PA. Dr. Carroll Nash, Parapsychologist: Is there anything that Bawa Muhaiyaddeen would like to tell me that would be of benefit to me or to other people? M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen: There is the truth of God–God’s power. This truth cannot be destroyed by anything. This power is God’s beauty. It is His qualities, His justice, and His peacefulness. It is the love and compassion which He bestows without ego, without the ‘I’. Selflessly, He bestows His grace to all, keeping nothing for Himself. This is the power which He bestows upon all creation as tolerance, patience, peacefulness, and compassion. It is without anger. It bestows all nourishment and sustenance to each of God’s creations, according to its needs and wants. It is our duty, our sole duty, to take the qualities of God within ourselves. We must acquire the three thousand qualities of God, which are His divine power. If you can train a tiger and sharpen its intellect, you may be able to teach it not to attack and kill other lives. If you can train it to…
- Fellowship
- The PurposeWhat is the Purpose of the Fellowship? When asked What is this Fellowship, Bawa Muhaiyaddeen answered: God has given His kingdom to all His creations, so that each can live in freedom. All the animals in the jungle, all the creations in the ocean, and all the birds in the sky live in freedom. The sun, the moon, and the stars live in freedom where they are positioned. Man alone lives having lost his freedom because of his selfishness, his desires, his greed; his arrogance, and his pride; because of his trickery and treachery; and because of the separation of ‘you’ and ‘I’. To man who has lost his freedom the Fellowship says, “All other lives live in freedom. O man, why not you? Why do you seize the freedom of other lives? God has given you a kingdom of freedom. Realize this, O man. Give up your selfishness. Give up your jealousy. Give up your ignorance. Imbibe wisdom and live like a true human being so that all mankind can live as one life. Then this place in which we live can be changed into heaven, into the kingdom of God. Mankind should resolve to live in this state.”…
- HistoryThe History of the Fellowship Little is known of the personal history of M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen prior to his emergence from the jungles of Sri Lanka over fifty years ago at which time he was asked to teach. He rarely spoke of himself in any way, never deviating from his focus on the one God. Since Truth has no limits or boundaries or compartments, it can never be confined to or owned by any religion. Thus, although totally unlettered, to a Hindu he would talk about God in detailed terms of Hinduism; to a Jew or Catholic he would talk about God in detailed terms of Judaism or Catholicism, to a Muslim in terms of Islam. But to an atheist who was a car mechanic, he might talk about God in terms of cars – in whatever terms the individual could best grasp the explanation. His actions were a living example of the Truth about which he spoke. He was the example of that Truth, in whatever form might be needed for the moment. He sometimes described himself as an “ant man,” or as a being tinier than the tiniest ant. M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen is no longer physically with…
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